80s, music, and repulsiveness
At the fitness center where I work I will often look up strange questions to ask the members in order to encourage communication and build a sense of community. I visited a website for college resident assistants and found some colorful and intriguing questions. Here are just a few with some of my personal answers. I'm looking forward to reading your responses. What do you regard as the most repulsive form of music? I think if someone tried to mix techno and old-fashioned country music it would be pretty repulsive. What song reminds you most of the 80s? Hit the Road Jack - when I lived in the 80s, it was a song my mom would sing. A lot of 70s songs remind me of the 80s, because I was living at home and spent a lot of time listening to my mom's 45s. What is the grossest thing you've ever done in public? At the middle school where I worked the students mixed together every item on the menu one day and served it to me. Much to the boys (yes, boys) disgust, I ate it and en...