Living as Jesus Commanded (Matthew 1 - 9)
What would our lives look like if we actually lived the way Christ asked us to live? I personally find it quite difficult to live as he commanded. Here are some of the things he asked for: Be baptized (Mt. 3:15) Live on the Word of God (Mt. 4:4) Do not put God to the test (Mt. 4:7) Worship the Lord and serve Him only (Mt. 4:10) Repent (Mt. 4:17) Follow Jesus (Mt. 4:19 & repeated several times) Fish for people (Mt. 4:19) Rejoice in the midst of persecution (Mt. 5:12) Let your light shine through good deeds (Mt. 5:12) Practice & teach God's law (Mt. 5:19) Quickly reconcile with others (Mt. 5:23) Do not look at anyone lustfully (Mt. 5:28) Don't divorce, commit adultery, or marry someone who is divorced (Mt. 5:32) Don't make oaths, just say "yes" or "no" (Mt. 5:36) Do not resist an evil person (Mt. 5:39) Give to the one who asks - do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow (Mt. 5:42) Be perfect like your Father in heaven ...