Homosexuality: Some Beginning Thoughts (Leviticus 18:22)
For over a year now, God has been speaking to me about the topic of homosexuality. I am now waiting anxiously for a book on "Gay Theology" to arrive in the mail. This morning I read the 5th chapter of 1 Corinthians which addresses a sexual immorality "that does not occur even among pagans" and that is of a Christian man having intercourse with his father's wife. Yesterday I had a conversation with a co-worker about homosexuality. She asked me about the passage in the Old Testament that is dismissed by people because it is "just an Old Testament law and we don't follow those anyways." I believe she was referring to Leviticus 18:22. SACRIFICIAL LAW SYSTEM I find it a bit amusing when people choose to discredit this verse. Yes, there are different types of laws in the Old Testament and many Christians choose to no longer follow those laws. For example, Christians believe they are released from the priestly laws of the sacrificial system be...