Theology of the Cross

Can the crucifixion of Jesus Christ be both an act of injustice and an act of God at the same time?


Anonymous said…
I think the crucifixion of Jesus can be simultaneously many things... from the perspective of "earthly government," the crucifixion can be seen as one expression of injustice (the capital punishment of an [innocent] peasant as a mechanism of fear and control), and, from a "heavenly perspective," the act of God which uncovers the sinfulness of our human condition. One could "read" the crucifixion from "simultaneous perspectives." This is not entirely unlike what Luther did with the idea of sin and grace: One is simultaneously a sinner and justified (still a sinner, still justified by grace through faith). In this way, one must be on the lookout for one's sinful compulsions while finding hope in the grace recieved through salvation.

Just some thoughts; what do you think?

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