Lately I've been thinking about the community of God. It really is rich! Where else can such a diverse group of people hold together with one commonly held belief? Sure the church is a very segrated building, but the Church, with a capital C, is very diverse. Nearly every clique, ethnic group, language, personality, and mind is represented in the church body. Yes, we have conflict. But we have a diversity of feelings, thoughts, and perspectives. We are all ages. We are all continents. We are at all levels of development. Yet, we believe as one that God is a personal God and that Jesus is the Christ, the promised Messiah, the son of God sent to earth, crucified and resurrected. And we accept this as the truth by which we live.
In other words, if salvation is understood to be the reception of some reward (which benefits a human) who otherwise did not deserve it, then questioning that definition would leave "salvation" unstable. However, salvation might not NEED to mean that, in which "salvation" might be concieved differently, and is still meaningful.
Here is what is at stake: if salvation MUST mean that a human recieves some benefit, then to question whether humans recieve some benefit in salvation would render it "without that meaning." If one thinks this is THE ONLY meaning it could have, then it is now a meaning-less concept.
So, to combat such an argument, one would have to show that salvation CAN ONLY mean the reception of "some benefit." Which, of course, entails the larger question: can words, concepts, ideas ONLY MEAN one thing.
Finally, to answer your question, as best I see how, salvation can be meaningful (even CHRISTIAN) and not be conceived in terms of human benefit. Yet, as far as I can see, the notion of "human benefit" is so ambiguous, that one could find a way to interpret benefit to connect it with salvation (even if it is no longer in a traditional way).
For instance, the "benefit" to a particular individual or community of salvation may be the very realization that we do not get any material or spiritual benefit (as we once thought) from salvation--here we have the paradox of benefitting from no benefit. So, we would have to be more specific about how we are using the terms we employ, or, at the very least, admit paradox.
What do you think? Is this related to your salvation class?