A Declaration!

Today I made a list of every major event that happened in my life between December 2003 and December 2004 and there were a lot of them. I also listed the names of lives grieved because of death. I then continued and began to list major events between December 2004 and December 2005 and God revealed an amazing revelation to me and a great reminder that I needed to restore my hope and my faith in His goodness.

Life Happens!

And so I wrote this declaration, of which I now publish online for the world to see and for me to be held accountable to this one truth that God is good.

Comments in parentheses have been added to bring clarity to this declaration.

"I now accept that life just happens. I believe that God didn't bring me (or the ministry I work with) people just to take them away, but (rather) He brought them instead to bless us during their time with us! (whether that be in their life or in their involvement with a specific organization.)

Thank you Jesus for revealing this to me today. Thank you for blessing me with this revelation so that I can continue on in ministry with hope in my heart, rather than despair. And I can now more courageously invite others to join us in this adventure because I know and trust that life happens and their involvement (in and of itself)won't cause for things to be taken away (because God already has a plan for their life.)

God, you bring life and you bring it to the fullest. I stand here in full trust that you really are a good God and that you won't call us to things that will harm us in order to hurt us, but what you call us to may require courage and faith. Hurt may come, but you will be with us even when your testimony in our life will bring us into harms way. You call us only to that which is good. You don't call us to persecution, but you call us to an amazing life-transforming relationship that might (no actually will) cause others to persecute us. But what you call us to is good. The calling is good, the outside influences and environment might be challenging, but You will be with us because You are our God. You will never forsake us or leave us.

The probelm with the movie we watched the other night that depicted the torture and imprisonment of revolutionaires is that it offered no hope and (the truth is) it couldn't because there was none. The story would have been different had the prisoners and those persecuted been Christians. For it isn't the Christians who are being persecuted, but Christ in them and He is their hope. Praise the Lord!

Praise the Lord! You have restored my faith and hope and belief that you are a good God, blessing those who follow-you for generations. Thank you Jesus!



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