Deeply Ingrained Sin
This morning during my devotions I read a quote that really struck my attention. I would use the quote here, but if I did I would be taking it out of context as I don't believe I interpreted it as the writer intended. But, how I interpreted it was meaningful to me. The idea I heard was that sin is something we discover that becomes deeply ingrained within ourselves. I like this idea, because as I have discerned sin in my life, I have often found that it is something I've been doing for a while and never considered to be sin. I often find my recognition of something in my life as sin to be quite surprising and then I feel sorrowful because I hadn't realized how what I had been doing had been so hurtful to myself and others. I like this concept because it speaks to those areas that seem so right at the time and can be justifiable until we are enlightened to view it differently. And I like this perspective because it shows how sin can go unrecognized, an...